
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Festival of Faith and Writing Sketchnotes Part One

Last week, April12 - April 14, 2018, I attended the Festival of Faith and Writing at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

While there, I sketchnoted some of the events.

First,notes from a session by Erin L. Bartels on Self-Editing:

Lots of good stuff there, especially on the notion that editing is the very last part of a long process of writing.  It was nice to hear someone else-- a professional in the publishing business-- say what I always tell my students (but who like to edit as they draft because they think it is faster).

Second, I took notes on the keynote by Kwame Alexander. Wow, he was a terrific speaker.  His talk, "Saying Yes to a Writerly Life" talked, among other things, about selling books at Farmer's Markets early in his career.  And how he made more money selling them there than elsewhere!

I spent some time roaming the exhibit halls, chatting with publishers.  Then I attended my third session of the day:  "Becoming a Successful Blogger without Selling Your Soul" with Jonathan Merritt.

He had a lot of practical tips and spoke at an energized pace.  It felt perfect for the end of a long and exciting day.

In this middle of his presentation, my pen (my brand new pen) ran out.  Of course.  But I had two back-ups.  Never go sketchnoting without backup pens.  

Check out my next posts for more sketchnotes from the Festival.

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