
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

A Look at the Work of Chris Ware

An interesting article and short film about the great comics artist Chris Ware, whose work I admire and study.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Sketching a Bobblehead Batman

I have a Bobblehead Batman on my desk, right near my computer screen.  I really can't do anything on my computer without looking at him.

He reminds me to be fierce, undaunted, and work for justice, no matter what "the authorities" think. 

He looks better than this!  My proportions got a little off.

Still it was fun for me to work on the shadow shapes, something I don't think about often enough, and which really do help make a sketch come alive!

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Sketching a Carving of St. Francis

One thing that Jill Badonsky draws inspiration from, she told us at Sketchkon, is sculpture. 

I love a carving we have of St. Francis.   Here I took some liberties to bring him to life.

What carvings or sculptures do you have in your home or workplace or town that you might use as inspirations for drawings?